Ha ha ha:D:D

Fick den här roliga historien av min värdmamma. Purina är alltså hundmat och Walmart är som Ica i Sverige:)

Purina Diet-priceless

Yesterday I was buying 2 large bags of Purina dog chow at Walmart, for
My dogs.  I was about to check out when a woman behind me asked if I had
a dog. What did she think, that I had an elephant?

Since I had little else to do, on impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have
a dog, and that I was starting the Purina Diet again, although I probably
shouldn't because I ended up in the hospital last time.

On the bright side though, I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an
intensive care ward with tubes coming out of every hole in my body and
IVs in both arms.  I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet
and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Purina
nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry and that
the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. (I
have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was enthralled with my story by now.)

Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care because the dog
Food had poisoned me.  I told her no; I had stopped in the middle of
the parking lot to lick my ass and a car hit me.

I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack, he was
laughing so hard!  WAL-MART won't let me shop there anymore

Våldsamt kul, nått sånt borde man göra varje gång man får en dum fråga!


Postat av: ida

HAHA shit vilken klockren historia, så ska man göra nångång egentligen!

nej jag menar de, de är sällsynt! ungefär som ett skvaller pass på gymmet på friskis (dock brukar de inte bli mkt till träning då)

haha hittade den på google, sökte lite grann och hittade the dream one. finns på ulla men orkar inte åka dit igen, finns nog på ljusglimten på kära solåsen tror jag :P

oj var de så pass? :) jag känner ju inte micke alls, bara träffat han en gång på riktigt egentligen, och oscar betydligt fler ggr men oscar gjorde ett bättre första intryck på mig, känns lite mer framåt och social än micke :)

2009-08-05 @ 23:07:23
URL: http://idapida.blogg.se/
Postat av: Angelica


2009-08-07 @ 01:20:53
URL: http://angelicamagito.blogg.se/

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